February is No Buy Month at Savvy Brown

By Savvybrown @savvybrownblog

No Buy Month is an annual event here at Savvy Brown. It's sort of a reset button for your finances, another chance to gain control and a truth serum for spending. What is No buy Month? In a nutshell, for the entire month of February you put yourself on a financial diet and only spend money on necessities. What constitutes a necessity? Check out the following list:

Wait! Before you freak out remember you cannot SPEND money on those things. You can, however, use a gift card, barter or exchange goods and services for the above items.

Why Should You Participate in No Buy Month?

What participating in No Buy Month has done for me is to show me what it is that I need and don't need. I own WAY more things than I use and very February I usually end up actually making money by selling items that I don't need. I've gotten free manicures, facials and even a full tank of gas once based on some frugal living tips. There's no cost to participate and you will not only learn how to save money, but also how to make better daily choices that will help the environment as well! If you've participated before then you know how helpful the Facebook Group can be.

Questions to Ask Before Making a Purchase During No Buy Month

"Do I really need this?"

"Will I use this more than once?"

"Can I make this?"

"Do I already HAVE this?" (that one is my favorite)

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