February Favourites || Films and Music

Posted on the 06 March 2014 by Shimmerofpink @shimmerofpink
Hellooo shimmers,
I have watched quite a lot of movies since starting university, we don't have TVs so films seem to our go to thing!
My Top 5 films that I have watched this month
5. Girl in Progress
4. Blackfish
3. Django Unchained
2. Frozen
1. Sunshine on Leith
My Top 5 songs of this month-
5. Say Something- A Great Big World and Christina Aguilera
4. All of me- John Legend
3. Happy- Pharell Williams
2. Its over and done with- Proclaimers
1. Let it Go- Frozen
A few extra gems that I found on YouTube this month that are definitely worth a few minutes of your time-
A cover of Disney Frozen By One Voice Choir- The little girls voice in this video is outstanding

All of me by John Legend cover by Bailey and James- Gorgeous voices

Let it go/ let her go- Frozen/passenger medley by the amazing Sam Tsui Any of my favourites yours? What films would you recommend I watch?
Laura x