February Birthstone Jewelry: AMETHYST!

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

Happy February, everyone! If you’re a lady who loves Valentine’s Day with the fire of a thousand suns, welcome to your own personal most wonderful time of the year. I know this is a rare breed, but one of my best friends happens to be one of these unicorns and she spares no one from Cupid’s arrow come V-day. Whether you’re her mailman or her Mom you are getting a valentine. Her love language is gifts.

But there’s plenty to celebrate in February. Tomorrow is Groundhog’s Day, which I’ve been petitioning to make a gift-giving holiday for ages (it’s going as well as you’d expect.) If you’re in South Florida and didn’t realize it’s February – it is! It’s snowing elsewhere, but barely. Don’t you worry though, just slip into your favorite Sam Edelman flip flops and make sure you head to RLJ’s Valentine’s Day After Party. This year is a LEAP YEAR which is extra exciting. But, for February babies, this entire month is a time to celebrate. And with a gorgeous birthstone like amethyst, February birthstone jewelry is some of my favorite eye candy.

Amethyst is a quartz – the most valuable of the quartzes, in fact – known for its purple splendor. Back in the day, before Brazil’s plentiful amethyst deposits were discovered in the 1800’s, amethyst commanded the same price as precious rubies and emeralds. This was chiefly due to amethyst’s crystalline beauty and durability (a 7 on the Mohs scale) but also maybe a smidge because of its powers to ward off drunkenness. At least that’s what the ancient Greeks thought – it’s a theory I’ll need more time and champagne to test.

St. Valentine himself allegedly wore an amethyst ring carved with Cupid’s likeness, and Leonardo DaVinci insisted it enhanced intelligence and got rid of evil thoughts. Its general appeal, historical value and modern availability make amethyst one of the most remarkable birthstones. It can be found in crown jewels and contemporary designer jewelry alike, with options at every point of the price scale.

Amethyst and diamond earrings

Amethyst and diamond ring

Vintage amethyst rose gold ring

Bulgari amethyst necklace

Roberto Coin Amethyst and Mother of Pearl Cabochon

Pear Shaped amethyst ring