Featuring the Ladies of Write More Publications!

By Lizmckeown1955 @WritersBoost
Theresa Oliver, publisher, does more than publishing; she has two series out and is in the process of adding to them. Her first series, Star, features a secret agent vampire who passes for a pretty high school girl. Her second series, Cambria,  stars a high school boy who goes to visit his uncle and ends up meeting a princess in an ancient world. Works-in-Progress are: Civil Slave, the sequel to Star; and Dracon's Return, the sequel to Cambria. Stay tuned for more from Theresa. Hint: it has Christmas in the title; the other has one of the Ten Commandments in the title.
Let's talk about anthologies. Theresa and several other authors have contributed to Angels Among Us and Novel Hearts, released Christmas, 2012 and Valentine's Day, 2013 respectively. Check out the website under Theresa's name to see even more anthologies: http://www.writemorepublications.com/About-Us.html
Next up is an author whose books I've been fortunate enough to edit: J.S. Wilsoncroft aka Jamie Wilsoncroft. What I like best about Jamie's writing is the humor. Her characters always have funny dogs and usually have brothers who keep it real. When things go wrong, Jamie's heroines never give up. No matter what happens, they work at a solution and come up smiling. Of Jamie's titles, My Haunting Love is to be released soon. Curious? Click here: http://www.writemorepublications.com/J-S--Wilsoncroft.html
From 'across the pond' in Scotland, we have Elaine White who is one of the youngest writers. Elaine, who started writing at 14, took a creative writing class which opened up many new creative landscapes. Elaine's characters range from vampire princesses and witches to college students in love. Elaine, a student, currently lives with her parents and a boistrous poodle!  It may be a long journey to join Elaine for tea, but you can have a virtual visit here: http://www.writemorepublications.com/Elaine-White.html
Another young writer is J.G. Martinez aka Bina. She has been writing since she was nine years old and currently lives in the Lone Star State. The teenaged heroine of her newly released book, Destined Oracle, is also a Texan who goes on an exciting, scary, but romantic voyage. Have a look here: http://www.writemorepublications.com/J-G--Martinez.html
Although Write More Publications is not currently accepting, submissions, their Facebook page offers writing contests regularly. The most recent contest was posted April 23rd.  Link: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Write-More-Publications/328324847212568
Theresa also features the work of indie writers on her Write More Publications blog on Writer Wednesdays. Link: http://writemorepublishing.blogspot.com/