Featured Animal: Siamese

By Azanimals @azanimals
The Siamese cat is one of the oldest breeds of cat, thought to have originated from the Siamese temple cats in today's Thailand (then known as Siam). The Siamese cat has similar features to the Birman cat, another ancient oriental temple cat from Myanmar (Burma).

The Siamese cat is one of the most popular breeds of exotic domestic cat in both Europe and North America today. The breeding of the Siamese cat flourished during the 1900s, when they were introduced to households from south east Asia.

The Siamese cat lives to an average of 8 to 10 years in the wild but commonly live to 15 years old when looked after well as a pet. It is not uncommon for the Siamese cat to reach 20 years old, although the Siamese breed is known to be prone to certain illnesses and conditions.

The Siamese cat is a very affectionate and loyal breed of domestic cat, with the Siamese cat usually preferring human company over anything else including other cats and animals. The Siamese breed is known to be very depend on their human families.

Siamese cats are intelligent animals and can be taught very easily. They can even be taught tricks such as sit, beg, lay down and to walk on a leash. They are also extremely jealous pets ad would not be pleased with you if you brought home another animal. They would become quite destructive to get as much attention possible.