Female grizzly bears that have grizzly bear cubs will often be extremely wary of other animals and the grizzly bear mother will often keep her grizzly bear cubs in quieter areas until the grizzly bear cubs are old enough and big enough to defend themselves, at which point the grizzly bear cubs will generally venture away from their grizzly bear mother in order to begin a life of roaming themselves. The grizzly bear mothers however are incredibly protective of their young and will generally always attack any animal that she believes is a danger to her young family.
Male grizzly bears can grow to a height of more than 3 meters tall when standing on their hind legs, with female grizzly bears being around 40% smaller. As with the brown bear (from which the grizzly bear is thought to have come from), the grizzly bear has a humped look at the top of the grizzly bears back, which is the build of the enormous muscle that provides the bears with the strength they need, mainly when digging.
Although it is generally believed that the grizzly bear is a carnivore, grizzly bears, as with most other bear species, are in fact omnivores as the grizzly bear diet consists of both plants and animals. The grizzly bear is most famously known for its love of salmon and can often be seen in large groups around the areas where the salmon spawn. The grizzly bears are still very territorial though but appear to stay out of each others way on these occasions as there is always plenty of fish to go round.