Feature Album: Robert Forster – The Candle and the Flame

Posted on the 11 February 2023 by Tomatrax @TomatraxAU

Our first feature album for 2023 comes from former Go-Betweens' vocalist Robert Forster.

This, his eighth solo record was approached somewhat differently. On his Facebook page last year, Robert announced

"In early July last year, Karin Bäumler, my wife and musical companion for thirty-two years, was diagnosed with a confronting case of ovarian cancer. It was a time of shock and grief, and that same month, she embarked on a regime of chemotherapy treatment."

On making the latest album Robert wrote thst

"Ever since we met, Karin and I have sung and played music together in our home, and in these dark days we turned to music once again. I had a batch of new songs I'd written over the last years, and we started playing them together. Our son Louis often dropped in for a meal and a chat and soon he began joining us on guitar. One night, when sitting cross-legged on the couch, after we had played a song, Karin looked up from her xylophone and said, 'When we play music, is the only time I forget I have cancer.' That was a big moment."

The record is something of a family affair with Robert writing, as part of his announcement of the single "She's a fighter" that

"There are four musicians on the record - Karin on xylophone and vocals, our daughter Loretta on electric rhythm guitar, our son Louis on electric and acoustic guitar, bass and persuasion, and myself on acoustic guitar and vocals."

Check out Robert Forster's website to find out more!