FBVideoDown Review: Is It The Best Facebook Video Downloader?

Posted on the 25 May 2024 by Jyoti92 @Jyoti_Chauhan1

FBVideoDown Review: Is it the best Facebook Video Downloader? That’s an answer you’ll have once you’ve been through this piece. 

The purpose of this review isn’t to make you believe something simply because I say so. Rather, you should go through this review, see how it works and then make your decision. 

The best part? FBVideoDown is a 100% free tool. A literal no-strings-attached, 100% free Facebook downloader. This proves that I’m not trying to “sell” you anything and you only use it if it’s truly worth it.

Point is, if you use Facebook, this piece should be worth your time. 

Let’s get started then? 

How does FBVideoDown work?

I’m discussing it at the very beginning here for one simple reason. This will show us how easy/hard it is to use the tool, and how well it works. Because I believe despite any feature any tool offers, if it’s not easy to use or understand, the features don’t make sense, do they?

It’s literally a one-click process. All it needs is the “link” of the content you’re trying to download. 

Step 1: Copy the link of whatever Facebook content you’re trying to download.

Step 2: Paste the link onto the downloader and you’ll get all the available download options! 

Yes, it’s that simple! 

Once you click the download button, the content is instantly downloaded.

So, as far as ease-of-use or user-interface goes, I’d say that’s 10/10. This is easy enough for even the most basic users, isn’t it?

100% free, no registrations 

The other impressive aspect about the downloader is that it’s 100% free! You don’t even need to register. This means no spams, no sharing of email IDs and no future “please buy us” emails.

Similarly, there’s absolutely no payment whatsoever. Not only it doesn’t want your money, it doesn’t even want your credit card or PayPal details. 

This is absolute privacy and truly “no-strings-attached” free service, wouldn’t you agree?

Download nearly everything off Facebook 

As the name suggests, the downloader can download content off Facebook. This includes nearly everything that you can find on Facebook, including:

  • Download Facebook story
  • Any post (both photo and video)
  • Facebook Reels
  • Profile pictures
  • Almost anything else that you have a link for.

No software or downloads required, web-based tool

I personally prefer tools that work online, off a browser. FBVideoDown is one such tool. This means, you don’t have to “download” anything. The tool can be accessed simply from your browser. 

This helps on multiple fronts. For starters, the space on your disk isn’t consumed. This also means there’s no chance of it being a virus or a malicious software. 

It also means you can access the service on any device, and any number of devices without having to carry it around.

No Facebook account needed 

I’ve used a number of these tools. Generally, they demand I have an account on the social network and demand me to log in on the tool before being able to download content.

That doesn’t happen with FBVideoDown. You don’t need a Facebook account whatsoever. As already explained, there’s no login involved anywhere.

Although do note that some Facebook content is only available to you if you’re logged in. That’s not a fault on the tool’s side but rather a requirement of Facebook.

Unlimited length and number of downloads 

This Facebook downloader has absolutely no caps. You can download videos of any length without any restrictions.

Similarly, without paying or signing up, you can also download any number of videos. The only thing stopping you is your own internet bandwidth and if that’s unlimited, the tool is unlimited for you too.

Frequently Asked Questions 

I’m sure you’ve got a few questions by now, allow me to answer a few of them:

1. Is FBVideoDown safe?

Yes. As explained earlier, there are no downloads so your system is safe. There are no accounts or payments involves so your accounts as well as financial information is safe as well. 

2. Is it legal to download Facebook content?

Any public content, when downloaded for personal use, without using it for any commercial gains is legal. Do note that “downloading” the content is legal but what you do with it decides the final legality. As long as you don’t use the content for anything that qualifies as “illegal”, you’re fine. 

3. Can I download private posts with FBVideoDown?

No. Private content can only be accessed after signing in and being allowed to view said content. Hence, as the tool doesn’t require any signup, you can only download public content. 

4. What is the quality of the downloaded content? 

FBVideoDown doesn’t alter the quality of the content. It’s available to you in the same quality as it was uploaded on the social media. 

Conclusion- FBVideoDown Review: Is it the best Facebook video downloader?

So, let’s break it all down.

It’s a 100% free software that doesn’t even require a sign up, and has no restrictions on the length or number of downloads. That does seem to tick all the boxes, doesn’t it? 

Let’s be honest, what else can we even expect it to improve? It supports various content types, is browser-based and is extremely easy to use. 

To be honest, I don’t think I’ve seen better tools simply because this one doesn’t seem to lack any features. Even the content quality isn’t reduced! 

So yes, in my opinion, till I find a better option, FBVideoDown is the best Facebook video downloader for now, if you disagree, I’d love to know why.