Favourite Find: Floral Vinyl

By Partycraftsecrets @partycraftsecrt
It's no secret that one of the nice things about school holidays is that you can relx a little.  Sure, you're still a mum, and you're now back on full-time duty, but you also don't have to be somewhere 'right NOW' which means you don't have to shout "get in the car!!!!" several times before your second cup of coffee.
In our recent school holidays, Happy Husband and I took the girls to Sydney Harbour where we showed them the sites (Opera House, Harbour Bridge and so on) and stopped for a harbor side snack and rest.
It was in the little Mexican-styled 'pop-up' cafe they had near the steps of the Opera House that I saw vinyl table cloths stapled to ex-pallet benches.  They looked super simple to make (and yes you do have to watch out for splintery knees) and the stapled vinyl table tops made the whole space super-festive.
A quick trip to my local fabric store revealed plenty of vinyl florals on rolls, perfect to pick and choose from... now I just need to find a party excuse worthy of wrapping my dining table in flowers!
Stay crafty,