Favorites Friday.

By Jlynnspeaks @jlynnspeaks

[My favorite Little Debbie cakes, only availble for a couple months.]

In my imaginary life rulebook, 'Christmastime' should fall between Black Friday and New Years Eve.  I get slightly Scroogish when I start seeing December decorations around Halloween.  However this year, it's seems like everyone is holding back.  We can't find a single radio channel playing festive music, and they just installed the highway-side telephone pole lights a couple days ago.  I'm enjoying the anticipation; it's making me more motivated to plan ahead for our first holiday season as 'grown-ups.'

[The ever-changing scene from our back porch.  It may make Favorites Friday until winter.]

[Fiji Apples and organic peanut butter.  My oh my, I may have died and gone to snack heaven.]

[Bitersweet favorite: driving home in a sunset after my 9-5 work days.  Nice yet odd.]