Favorite Song Friday: Shakira's "empire"

By Xoxoxoe
Shakira's new song "Empire" is a mish-mash — part ballad, part rock anthem, part I don't know what. And I love every moment of it. It's crazy and impossible not to crank up and try to yodel along to.

Who doesn't love a gal in a flaming wedding dress?

"Like the empires of the world unite
We are alive
And the stars make love to the universe
You're my wildfire every single night
We are alive
And the stars make love to the universe
And you touch me
And I'm like and I'm like and I'm like ..."

One of Shakira's best features has always been that she seems like she is having just the greatest time ever, and she wants to share that with listeners. And who doesn't want to shake it like a rock star from time to time? Rock on, Shakira.