Favorite Places

By Sandrastanek @Sandrastanek

Was just going through my old pictures, most of them from summer and so I decided to put up here my most favorite places I've been to because I already traveled quite a lot so I am able to decide now what my favorite place is. However, I was too lazy to put up all the nice pictures n shit so I chose the first ones I saw and didn't really care about how I look. But hopefully you get the point - it's about places now, not outfits, not face expressions or whatever. Since I usually just took pictures without any significant monuments, I am going to talk you through it in a bit more detail. The pictures are not in order of liking or anything, just the way they turned out to be at random. Anyway, on the first picture I am standing on the main square in Verona which I have visited twice last summer and in both cases it was fantastic! Location of the second picture is London, England. Honestly, who wouldn't love that city. Third picture is taken in my hometown, in the lovely city of Prague. And my most favorite city ever coming as the last one --> New York, nothing else to add.
My other 2 favorite places are Rome and Maldives of which I unfortunately didn't find any pictures because I've been there a very long time ago.
What is your favorite place?