Favorite Movie #106 - Holiday Edition: We’re No Angels

By Xoxoxoe
Favorite movies that have had an impact on me - #106 - We’re No Angels (1955) - Joseph (Humphrey Bogart), Albert (Aldo Ray) and Jules (Peter Ustinov) are three convicts who escape from Devil's Island right before Christmas. They decide to hide out in a nearby general store run by the Ducotel family — Felix (Leo G. Carroll), his wife Amelie (Joan Bennett), and their daughter Isabelle (Gloria Talbott). While there, they start to observe the family and get involved in their problems — mainly the store's failing business and its imminent takeover by their ruthless cousin, Andre Trochard (Basil Rathbone), and his smarmy son Paul (John Baer), who is also Isabelle's crush. The trio and Albert's pet (poisonous) snake Adolphe set about trying to make everything right and give the Ducotels a nice Christmas. Humphrey Bogart shows his flair for comedy and he and Ray and Ustinov are great together.

L-R: Albert (Aldo Ray), Joseph (Humphrey Bogart), and Jules (Peter Ustinov)

Joseph: I'm going to buy them their Christmas turkey.
Albert: "Buy"? Do you really mean "buy"?
Joseph: Yes, buy! In the Spirit of Christmas. The hard part's going to be stealing the money to pay for it.

The angels from Devil's Island

Cousin Andre doesn't believe there's a snake inside that basket