Favolacce: Poster, Plot and Trailer of the Film with Elio Germano

Posted on the 28 May 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear

Favolacce: poster, plot and trailer of the film with Elio Germano

The poetry of the one-time cinema that begins with just one handmade poster: the challenge of the twins directors Fabio and Damiano D'Innocenzo continues with style. Their latest work, Favolacce, awarded as best screenplay with the Silver Bear at the Berlin Film Festival, now boasts a new "visual story". This is the director's cut of the poster (the opening image of this article). Here is how the two authors describe it: "It is the remake of the original poster we made" - word of the D'Innocenzo - "working concretely on the matter with the use of knives, brushes, flowers, dust and earth. It was born from the desire to unhinge the classic harmony of a movie poster to visually restore the feeling of the film: the restlessness of disorder, the exasperation of the elements, the accumulation of visual imputations. The bulimia of language that curls up on itself producing, as a global result, the death of aesthetics. "

There black fairy tale with Elio Germano, set in an indefinite suburb of the Roman province, it has shocked and fascinated public and critics. Through the story of some families and their teenagers, it is shown what lurks behind the facade of normalcy. By staging the worst nightmares of each parent and slamming their respectability in the face of these inhabitants through the anger and desperation of the children, an explosion of irrepressible violence is achieved.

The film is found head to head with Pinocchio by Matteo Garrone, thanks to 9 nominations obtained for the Silver Ribbons, and meanwhile it is available on demand on some streaming platforms, from SkyPrimaFila Premiere to Timvision, Rakuten TV and Google Play. It is now also available the Favolacce podcast with the voices of the directors Fabio and Damiano D'Innocenzo in addition to the interpreters Elio Germano and Max Tortora with the music of Sparkle in Gray, available for listening at this link.

It is not surprising that - after the debut of The Land of Abundance and the success of Favolacce - the two devote themselves to writing and creating a TV series which investigates the human soul in all its abysmal complexity. "We are proud and grateful" - said the directors - "to be the authors and creators of the first in-house Italian production of Sky Studios, an investigative noir. Sky Studios speaks our own language in terms of refinement, courage and narrative ambition. The series that we will create together will be the sum of this common need to observe the world from unprecedented and unexpected angles. "

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