Faux Capiz Shell Lampshade
By Invisiblestilettos
Good morning dearies! It's time for another DIY home decor! This time we're making faux capiz shells using wax paper. I've seen different versions on the net but they usually make it as a chandelier. I already have a chandelier (see tutorial here), but there's one lamp I do have that doesn't have a lampshade so I decided to make this project. Capiz shells always remind me of the beach and since I'm going for a beach-meets-country-farm-cottage theme for my interior this year, I think this would be perfect, not to mention easy and cheap.
Here's what we'll need:
1. Candles, shaved into small pieces
2.White thread
3. A roll of wax paper (66php a roll from Japan Home)
4. A pair of scissors
5. Hot pan coasterLet's begin, shall we? First, using a pencil, draw lots and lots of circles on your wax paper. The diameter for my circles were about 1.5 to 2 inches. I used this small tea cup as it was the perfect size for my "capiz shells."After drawing your circles, it's time to cut them all. This is very tedious, but, I'm patient and I love using my scissors, and of course, it's pretty obvious that I do not have a big circle puncher, but if you do have one, go ahead and use that, it would be waaaay easier :) After all the cutting is done (I cut approximately 100 circles, whew!), time to get your thread, cut it to the desired length plus a couple inches more for handling later, then sandwich it in between two wax paper circles together with your shaved candle wax.Align the two circles then iron it to seal your circles to the thread. I used brown paper bags in between the circles and the iron so it would not that be so messy since extra melted wax would ooze out of the circles. Do this again to your other circles until you reach your desired number of circles per string. I did five on each of my strings.I think that would be the perfect length for my lampshade.Repeat the steps until you have made enough strings to tie around your hot pan coaster base. I did 12 strings for this one.Now, attach the strings to the frame by tying your thread. Space the strings evenly around the base. Double knot or even triple knot to secure them in place. Cut the excess strings. Place the frame on your lamp and secure with wire, turn the light up, and you are done! Enjoy lovelies! :)
Have a great day!