Father's Day List

By Pinkwhen @pinkwhen
My Father's Day Inspirational List It's funny, time seems to just fly as you get older.  It's one of life's lessons that I hate to realize.  Time stops for no person, place, or thing.  No matter what happens, it is going to keep on going and going.  It's hard to imagine that it's almost Father's Day already.  While dwelling on this little concept today, I have also been trying to think of some things to create for my dad.  
While I was lost in thought, I made a list of all of the things that make him who he is.  I ended up making a list of who he is to me, and really loved just reading it out loud.  While this is just a little printable from the list I made, I decided to share it today.  For some reason it seems Father's Day does not rank as high as the rest of the "Hallmark" holidays.  I want to make sure this year he knows I am thinking about him ahead of time.  
Not to mention, I did get some great ideas from this list!! (He's not getting a horse, not a real one!) What do you and you family have planned for Father's Day?  Is it too early to think about Father's Day already?