Fat-2-Fit Week #50 (Two More Weeks!)

Posted on the 30 October 2011 by Dltmontana

Two weeks to go.

The two biggest obstacles have been Recovery and Energy Levels for consistent daily workouts.  My original excuse of not enough time seems funny now.  I seem to make more work-out time now that I have less time than ever with a new office and coaching gig.

I am not sure that the pictures or the weight measurements show how much fitter I am.  I often run 3 miles and swim 1000 yards just for fun.  I can even out roller-blade my 11 year old.

WK1                                        WK10                                 WK17                               WK50

Finally under 210 pounds. I have increased the ‘cardio.’ and added a little swimming. Life has been busy and the last year I have bruises from all of the ‘falls off of the wagon’. I may not make my goal, though I will be working hard to get under 200lbs. Check back on November 15th to see if I make it.

We have the Top Ten ‘DO’s’ on November 5th to celebrate the last ten days of my life-changing, year long commitment.