Fat-2-Fit Week# 37 Beer Or Ice Cream

By Dltmontana

Beer, Ice Cream, and Nachos.  Fitness and Healthy Living is not that difficult.

As promised here are the multiple choice, question and answer subjects that even the fitness world does not want to answer.  Fitness experts tend to communicate in absolutes which can sometimes alienate the average, ‘not-as-focused’ section of society.  Here are some ‘either/or’ questions that tested all of the experts we asked.  Here is how we started and their answers are in RED.

“Please answer all the questions with just one option. Please pick the best option and answers like neither, either, or here is a better choice will not be published. This is just for fun and explanations of your answers would be very helpful to our readers.”

Fat-2-Fit Week# 37 Beer or Ice CreamSandi Porter of START WITH THE INSIDE will start us off.

If you had to eat Fast Food: McDonald’s, Taco Bell, or Subway?
Subway – whole wheat sub, skip the cheese, load up with veggies, top with olive oil and a touch of vinegar. Yum!

Processed Cheese Food or Pepperoni?
Pepperoni, probably dabbed with a napkin and eaten in way moderation.

Hot Dog or Nachos?
Nachos, wiping off excess cheese.

Microwave Popcorn or Chips?
Popcorn, definitely. When you take it out of microwave, sprinkle with chocolate protein powder for a sweet treat.

Sugar or Sugar Substitute?
Sugar is sugar is sugar no matter how you package it.

Cheat Days: Yes or No?
Yes definitely, but only cheat meal, not entire day.

For Clients it is most important to stop Smoking or Drinking?
Drinking, affects metabolism and hormones so negatively.

If your client could only give up one diet sin which would be first: Beer or Ice Cream?
Wow, the choices. I would say ice cream to start. Give it up cold turkey, then work on the beer.

Then: Beer or Wine or Liquor?

Then: Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt or Sorbet or Sherbet?
Ice Cream.

Then: Frozen Yogurt or Low Fat Ice Cream?
Frozen Yogurt.

No time and can only do one: Cardio or Strength?
Depends on goals, but generally Strength training. Build your metabolism to burn fat.
Sauna or Hot Tub or Massage?
Massage definitely, should be part of your workout routine.

Ab-Roller or Perfect Push-Up?
Push-up baby, push-up.

Natural Sun or Tanning Bed?
Vitamin D from the natural sun, with moderate sunscreen of course.

Andrea Beaman of Andrea Beaman’s Holistic Health

Hi Damon – I hope you’re enjoying summer and keeping on track with taking care of yourself:
See below for answers to the questions.

If you had to eat Fast Food: McDonald’s, Taco Bell, or Subway?

I would choose subway. I’d get a turkey and veggie wrap on whole wheat. No matter where you are you can always make good choices. Even in a fast food joint.

Processed Cheese Food or Pepperoni?

Hands down… pepperoni! Processed cheese food is loaded with chemicals and crap. Pepperoni on the other hand, has been in the human food supply for centuries. As long as it’s naturally processed (salt cured) and they use good meat (pastured pig), I’m happy.

Hot Dog or Nachos? What are you trying to do??? Kill me?

Microwave Popcorn or Chips?

Chips! I don’t eat any food that comes out of the microwave. It’s total crap. The microwave works by vibrating the water molecules until they explode – that’s how it generates heat. Much too violent a way of cooking for me.

Sugar or Sugar Substitute?

This is a no brainer. Sugar is bad for your health, in excess. But, sugar substitutes are bad for your health in ANY quantity. Don’t eat fake sugar EVER!

Cheat Days: Yes or No?

No such thing as cheating. That’s a dieting concept, and I don’t diet.

For Clients it is most important to stop Smoking or Drinking?

I would suggest clients quit drinking in excess, and switch from modern cigarettes to natural cigarettes. Our modern day version of tobacco is loaded with over 500 chemicals and is highly addictive. Tobacco, on the other hand has been used by the American Indians, Shamans and many indigenous people without hazardous side effects. Once you get off the addictive chemicals, you may find that you require less cigarettes. Eventually, you may not need them at all.

If your client could only give up one diet sin which would be first: Beer or Ice Cream?

I didn’t know either of these were sins? But, I would say, give up the ice-cream first. Very high in sugar, and the icy cold effect of ice-cream could inhibit the process of digestion and slow metabolism.

Then: Beer or Wine or Liquor?

I love beer (part of my German heritage), but a good class of wine is nice too. Not a big fan of liquor. Doesn’t actually make me feel good. Clients have to judge for themselves and see which alcoholic drink makes them feel good (if any)

Then: Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt or Sorbet or Sherbet?

Ice Cream – it just tastes better for goshsakes!

Then: Frozen Yogurt or Low Fat Ice Cream?

Frozen yogurt wins this one. I don’t suggest low fat ANYTHING! Without the fat we inevitably set the body up for cravings. Eat the fat, just eat it in small quantities.

No time and can only do one: Cardio or Strength?

Cardio – it makes me feel good. Heart pumping, endorphins running wild….

Sauna or Hot Tub or Massage?

C’mon… really? Massage, massage, massage. Rub a dub dub, baby!

Ab-Roller or Perfect Push-Up?

I don’t think I’ve tried either of these????

Natural Sun or Tanning Bed?

Natural sun! First and foremost, humans have used the sun since the beginning of time to help them grow and survive. Secondly… it’s FREE!

Have a fun summer!

Wishing you health,
Andrea Beaman, HHC, CHEF

Stacey Killian of Fit Body Sculpt
Taco Bell
Microwave popcorn
Sugar substitute
Yes to cheat days
Stop smoking
Give up the beer
Strength training
Perfect Push up
Natural sun

Stacey Killian
Fit Body Sculpt
Personal Trainer
Website: www.fitbodysculpt.com
Blog: www.fitbodysculpt.com/blog
Email: info@fitbodysculpt.com
Phone: 404-372-0881

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If you had to eat Fast Food: McDonald’s, Taco Bell, or Subway?
-Subway, because they are not on this list:

Processed Cheese Food or Pepperoni?

Hot Dog or Nachos?

Microwave Popcorn or Chips?

Sugar or Sugar Substitute?

Cheat Days: Yes or No?

For Clients it is most important to stop Smoking or Drinking?

If your client could only give up one diet sin which would be first: Beer or Ice Cream?
-Ice Cream

Then: Beer or Wine or Liquor?

Then: Ice Cream or Frozen Yogurt or Sorbet or Sherbet?
-Ice Cream

Then: Frozen Yogurt or Low Fat Ice Cream?
-Low Fat

No time and can only do one: Cardio or Strength?

Sauna or Hot Tub or Massage?

Ab-Roller or Perfect Push-Up?
-Push Up

Natural Sun or Tanning Bed?
-Natural Sun