Fastest Broadband – Change the Way You Browse

Posted on the 01 September 2017 by Rahul Awana

When the term ‘browsing the net’ first entered our lexicology, we were just happy to be connected. The many interruptions did not matter. We were happy to be online. But, as technology advanced, broadband moved from Dial up to Wi-fi, browsing habits also changed. Network service providers led the way, laying cables across the land, to ensure connectivity across the country. There has been a tectonic shift in the last few years, the laying of copper cables. Experience speeds of up to 100 Mbps with minimum buffering and interruptions.

Connectivity via copper cables is possible through vectoring, or vectorization technology. This technology is widely used across Europe and has been introduced in India by Airtel, India’s largest private broadband player. The biggest advantage of this technology is that companies are able to provide high speed data. They do not need to invest in fiber rollout on a large scale. It is best to let experts define vectorization technology. According to Alcatel-Lucent, “Vectoring technology is successful because it addresses the gaps between the theoretical speeds that the technology can offer and the speeds that network service providers can actually offer in real life conditions.”

Infrastructure companies and end-user both benefit from the use of this technology used to deliver the fastest broadband in the Bangalore, Chennai and Delhi to name a few. The reason is simple; the copper wires used for DSL broadband can be reused with the help of the latest technology. There is no investment in infrastructure required by the service provider, and no burden on the user to share the costs. If the distance between the junction box from where broadband is delivered to the copper cables is less than 150-200 kilometers there will no drop in the promised speeds!

Speeds of up to 100 Mbps are possible because copper cables minimize sounds by reducing crosstalk. To put simply, crosstalk is interference or noise which occurs when two or more copper cables in direct proximity to each other. This particular technology measures the crosstalk, reduces it noise, thus allowing for better download speeds for the user. It should be mentioned that for the interference to be neutralized, all of it has to be captured from every single copper cable, which further means that every cable has to be less than one service provider. Its effect wanes over longer distances, and thus may arise a scenario wherein on subscriber is thrilled with the faster browsing while the other does not enjoy anticipated download speeds. Companies therefore set up several junction boxes in one area to enable consistent connectivity to all their subscribers.

Since this technology is provided only by Airtel as of now, the company’s broadband connection becomes necessary. An Airtel customer has to upgrade the broadband modem at a minimal cost to enjoy the fastest broadband speeds. The speeds allow a person to watch an HD movie without interruption, even when there are multiple devices using the same connection. Speeds going up to 100 Mbps are the best way to browse and surf the internet in 2017.