Fast Fitness Results With Proper Form

Posted on the 19 August 2013 by Dave Nevue

Fast Fitness Results With Proper Form

Have you ever noticed that when you do something long enough you can do that action without even thinking about it? As a mother you know that you have to tackle several projects at once to get everything done in a day that needs get done. You have conditioned your body to do these actions without thinking. Your mind is already on the next task. Performing a movement long enough will have you gain muscle memory. Muscle memory is known as your memory for motor skills.

When you are exercising you want to condition your body to do the exercises with proper form every rep. You want to focus on the muscle group being used. This takes a lot of practice and patience. You will only see the results you are looking for if you do the exercise correctly. The first day you start an exercise you expect to see results. This is unrealistic. Consistency and proper form of the exercise is when you will see progress.

Learning the move

Everyone learns differently. Some people learn by seeing, reading, hearing or hands on. Some people need a combination of two or more of these learning techniques. When learning an exercise use all the tools available. Watch videos with different angles, read the instructions, and learn what muscles are being used for the movement. Practice the moves without any resistance. Watch yourself in the mirror. Have someone who knows the exercise watch you do the exercise.

Be patient while practicing the move. Know that once you have perfected the move you will start seeing quick results when you start adding resistance. Once you lose proper form of an exercise, you will not benefit from the exercise and increase the risk of injury. Learn the exercise well enough to teach the exercise. If you can teach it you can do it.