Fashionable Iphone Cases

By Shegotherown @AddyGotHerOwn

Oh yes! I  know I am probably stone age late to the Iphone wagon. Everyone around me is on their Iphone 6S plus now, so that should say something about me finally bending under the peer pressure.
I was a die hard Samsung galaxy fan or correctly anything that is not Apple fan.
My holiday gave me some insights though into the clarity of Snapchat / Instagram and whatsoever image of Iphones.
I was actually embarrassed for Samsung on image quality of their phone camera for a moment.
Oh dear lord, and the amounts of creative apps I have been playing with, woow.
I got the white I phone 5 and I can't wait to get my hands on the rose gold 6S, but baby steps.
One thing I am loving at the moment, apart from snapchatting like a maniac,  is the vain hunt for cases both online and in stores.
I am thinking of this rose gold "no selfie control" right now, but in a minute I might change  my mind.
These decisions are not set in stone and I hope I am not the only one.
Any fancy case you want to share? drop me a link in the comment.
Have a wonderful weekend dears.

1.Too glam to give a damn2.RAWR I'm a Dinosaur3.100 % Mermaid case