Fashion Friday Vlieger & Vandam

By Koridonahue @blondeepisodes

Good morning lovelies!  I hope you're having a great morning so far.  Today is once again Fashion Friday, my favorite day of the week!  I hope you can link up with me!  I'm loving these gorgeous bags and accessories by Vlieger & Vandam this week and just had to share!  Which one is your favorite? 

All photos courtesy of Vlieger & VandamIf you visit the site, let them know I sent you!I am not paid in any way for this post.  I just love the product!
So, now for the link up!  Please follow all directions below so I don't have to be a meanie and delete your link!

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1.  Blog about anything fashion related (please make sure its a current post from today forward and only link back to one of your posts)2.  Grab my button above and link back to Blonde Episodes3.  Add your link to the link up4.  Leave me a comment telling me what you think of my post5.  Visit other blogs on the link and make new friends!