Fashion Friday--The Rules of Tapestry

By Koridonahue @blondeepisodes
Fashion Friday--The Rules of Tapestry
Happy Thursday all!  I hope you're having a great week...I know I'm ready for the weekend, how about you?  This week, I'm wishing for Fall weather.  Guess who's having Fall weather?  Colorado ;-). Can't wait to get back.  Fall means gorgeous sweaters, jeans, and fun, rich accessories.  Dree Heminway shows us how fabulous tapestry and needlepoint can look in the following shoot from Richard Burbrdige for Harper's Bazaar.
Fashion Friday--The Rules of Tapestry
Fashion Friday--The Rules of Tapestry

All photos courtesy of Harper's Bazaar Magazine
I'd love to have you link up with me for Fashion Friday!  Just follow the directions (so I don't have to be a meanie and delete your link) and join in on the fun!

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