Fashion Doll Quarterly, Winter 2017 Issue

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

Do you subscribe to Fashion Doll Quarterly (FDQ). If so, you may see a familiar name in it! Jane Easterly, the showrunner of the annual Pullip convention PUDDLE, was kind enough to ask me if I felt like writing coverage for the 2017 event, that would later be submitted to a magazine. That magazine turned out to be FDQ!

Check out my PUDDLE coverage in the Winter 2017 issue! I touch on a bit of the history of the show, as well as the day’s activities, vendors and contest winners! PUDDLE may have started out as a small gathering of Pullip fans, but ten years later, it’s grown into much more than that.

At PUDDLE, I went around and asked people why they attended the show year after year. While, of course, they mentioned their love of the doll brand and seeing all the amazing custom dolls on display, the one answer that everyone gave me was this: the people. It’s all about the people, the community of collectors that attend every year. While I didn’t directly quote anyone, hopefully that point came across loud and clear in this write-up.

So, next time you’re at Barnes and Noble, check their magazine section for the Winter 2017 issue of Fashion Doll Quarterly! I hope you enjoy reading the coverage as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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November 17, 2017. Tags: Article/How to. Uncategorized.