Fascinating Dog Trivia for Kids (30 Questions for Dog Lovers)

Posted on the 26 May 2023 by Nihar Ranjan Gahan Gahan

Attention, young dog enthusiasts! Prepare to have your minds blown with our collection of dog trivia for kids. Did you know that dogs have a unique nose print, just like humans have fingerprints? Or that some dogs can learn up to 160 words?

In this trivia, we'll share these astonishing facts and many more, igniting your curiosity and leaving you with a newfound appreciation for our furry companions.

Dog Trivia for Kids

  1. What is the origin of the Australian Shephard dog?
    Answer: - Spain
  2. There are how many dog breeds in the US?
    Answer: - 190
  3. What is the most adopted dog breed in the World?
    Answer: - Golden Retrievers
  4. A dog has how many taste buds?
    Answer: - 1,700
  5. What breed of dog does the police use to investigate?
    Answer: - German Shepherd & Belgian Malinois
  6. Who was the person who hunts "Beagle"?
    Answer: - Beagler
  7. What is the least adopted dog breed in the US?
    Answer: - Norwegian Lundehunds
  8. What is the tallest dog in the World as per Gunnis World Record?
    Answer: - Zeus (A Great Dane)
  9. Labrador Retriever is originally from which country?
    Answer: - Newfoundland, Canada
  10. What is the most friendly dog breed of all?
    Answer: - Golden Retrievers

Read Also: Animal Trivia Questions and Answers for Kids

  1. There are how many pet dogs in the United States?
    Answer: - 70 million Plus
  2. Dalmatians are always born in which color?
    Answer: - Pure white
  3. What is the fastest dog breed in the world?
    Answer: - Greyhound
  4. What is the top speed of a Greyhound dog?
    Answer: - 45Mph
  5. Dog's ear consists of how many muscles?
    Answer: - 18
  6. Which breeds of dog has black tongue?
    Answer: - Chow Chows and Shar-Peis
  7. How many words can a dog remember?
    Answer: - 165 words (mostly)
  8. After the dog, What is the second most popular animal in the world?
    Answer: - Cats
  9. Which were the ancestor of Dogs?
    Answer: - Grey Wolfs
  10. What is the most powerful hunter-dog in the World?
    Answer: - Dogo Argentino

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  1. Dogs belong to which family?
    Answer: - Canidae
  2. The noses of dogs are how many times more sensitive than humans?
    Answer: - 40
  3. What is the first dog breed on earth?
    Answer: - Saluki
  4. Saluki is the dog breed from which country?
    Answer: - Egypt
  5. What dog breed is best for lifeguards?
    Answer: - Newfoundlands
  6. What are two dog breeds survived from Titanic shrinking?
    Answer: - Pomeranians and a Pekingese
  7. Which breed of dog doesn't bark?
    Answer: - The basenji
  8. Who hiked the Appalachian Trail with his blind dog?
    Answer: - Bill Irwin
  9. How many eyelids do the dogs have?
    Answer: - Three
  10. What is the most common dog breed in the US?
    Answer: - Labrador Retriever