Farewell From Pepper Bento With Never Before Seen Photos!

By Pepper Bento

Today, it is with great sadness that I announce that this will be the last post on Pepper Bento.

It has been 4 years of cooking, writing and snapping photographs that has taught me a lot.
I can hardly believe it has been 2 days a week (3 when I started) every week for all this time, 425 posts!

So much has happened and I have come so far in writing, cooking and even my photography, thanks to this blog.
Looking back I realise one person can achieve quite a lot!

A big thank you to all of my wonderful followers, especially those of you that have been with me from the beginning, it is appreciated more than you know.

I will try my best to keep the site up and running, so it will still be here for all of my past recipes you may want to peruse.

Have a wonderful winter and a fantastic new year.

Now, just for you, here are some never before seen photographs that for one reason or another didn’t make it to the blog!