Far Cry 4 Takes Place in Himalayas, Out November 18

Posted on the 17 May 2014 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

“Following the success of Far Cry 3, we wanted to take the franchise to the next level and create a game that will surprise players and exceed fans’ expectations,” said Dan Hay, Executive Producer. “Given the unique setting, we feel Far Cry 4 will stand out as a top first-person shooter and we’re eager to reveal more about the game in the coming months.”

The game was announced with a colorful artwork, which is beginning to spark controversy around the web. A lot of gamers claims that the artwork is racist and the portrayal of the antagonist is an insult to homosexuality.

While the antagonist of Far Cry 4 appears to be portrayed as a homosexual character, it’s highly unlikely for Ubisoft to use a gay character in one of their video games. Back in February, Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon writer Lucien Soulban (Soulban is openly gay) talked about this when he was asked about when would developers bring a gay protagonist to AAA games.

“So when are we going to see that gay protagonist in a AAA game? Not for a while, I suspect, because of fears that it’ll impact sales,” said Soulban. “Or it’ll come out of left field with Rockstar, Valve, Naughty Dog or Telltale, perhaps. But when it happens, I hope it’s a serious take on it and not played up for jokes.”

Ubisoft didn’t mention anything about the characteristics of the protagonists in the upcoming game. Maybe we’ll get to learn more in their E3 showing off next month.

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Far Cry 4 will be heading out on November 18 in North America and November 20 in Europe for PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC.

[Via: All Games Beta / Polygon]
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Follow @nrjperera – Roshan Jerad Perera