Fantasy & Jen Christopherson – An Author Interview

By Imagineer @ImagineerTeam

Please welcome Fantasy author Jen Christopherson, who tells us about herself, her writing and her books!  And look out for a special treat at the end of her interview!

Hi, Imagineer-ing! Thank you for having me, I’m excited to be here!

When did you first discover the desire to write was so strong in you?

I would say about the fifth grade. The school librarian told me I had read all the books for my grade level and below. I would have to stop reading or go to the public library. My family was not situated for me to go to the public library. My mother told me I had an imagination that just wouldn’t quit, so I decided to write my own stories.

Do you usually write in the same genre you tend to prefer to read?

I love fantasy!!! Reading it, writing it, watching it! I just love it!

When reading, do you prefer traditional printed books or ebooks?

Definitely printed books! I love the feel of them in my hands and the smell of them when you open them. New books have a different smell than older books. I love the smell of really old books!!!! (blush)

Have you been influenced and/or inspired by another writer, or writers?

I don’t read the books because I am not into horror. However, I would like to be the “Stephen King of fantasy” as I call it. Of course, it is a dream and, I figure, the bigger you dream the more you have to look forward to! LOL

Do past or current events in your life have an influence on your writing?

In my humble opinion, I don’t think any fiction writer can honestly answer no to this question. However, I must say past and current events have a major influence on my writing.

Have you got a favorite author, who stands well ahead of all others?

I do not have a favorite author. There are a few that stand out in my mind. Stephen King because of his large collection of books written and his loyal fans! Melanie Rawn (The Ruins of Ambrai) because her writing voice is close to mine.

Have you got both printed and digital books published?

Not yet! I have my writing experiment (Tior found on which was published in 2008. I am in the final proofing stage of Warrior Crone, my newest book. I plan to start with the printed books first and add in the digital books later.

Do you try to write to satisfy what is fashionable, or do you write pieces that you would want to read?

I write what I want to read. I don’t know any other way.

How do you fit writing into your life? Do you have set times for writing?

I have no set time to write. I would love to be able to put a schedule on it, however, my imagination doesn’t work that way. I guess I would have to say, “Here and there, really wherever I can!” LOL

Do you keep every jotting of ideas, just in case they might be developed at some later date?

Not EVERY one, but I do keep most of them. I am a hoarder of my ideas!!! LOL I keep pictures because a story can start with a scene. I keep thoughts and ideas because I have found, when I am stuck on where a story needs to go next, I can turn to them.

Do you write freeform or do you faithfully plan every piece meticulously before you start on it?

I write free form. I try to plan sometimes and find the story going in a different direction. I usually like the new direction better.

When writing, most authors now use a computer of some description. Which do you find more satisfying: writing using any means available, using a computer, using a typewriter or using a pen/pencil?

Oh! I definitely prefer my computer. However, my ideas sometimes come to me when I am out and about. Therefore, I keep a notebook and a pen handy (or try to!).

Have you ever been somewhere and discovered a copy of a book that’s extremely difficult to find, and drooled over the discovery?

No. Well, okay. I found a book after looking for it for several years. I had no money to spend on it and stood there, drooling over it. I still don’t have it!

If you’ve had books published in print form, have you ever come across a copy of one of your own books by accident?

I do have a book in print, but I have not come across it accidentally. Unless you count finding it in my mother’s bookshelf…

What is your greatest ambition in writing?

I want to be “The Stephen King of Fantasy Writing”!!! LOL

Where can readers find out more about your works?

My website is where I put links to all my writing, as well as keep updates for current projects.

I am, also, on:


I would like to thank you for having me! I have enjoyed sharing with you.


Book Giveaway

A copy of Warrior Crone, will go free to a random commenter. Each commenter’s name will be put in a basket and Jen’s boyfriend will pick a name blind. First name out wins it!!

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