Fanny Pack - Styling a Fanny Pack

By Saumya Shiohare @myriadmusings1
" You buying a Fanny Pack, seriously"? " - hubs said to me. Hubs usually never accompanies me on a shopping trip, but thus time when I headed to a nearby outlet mall with the intention of buying a fanny pack, he was with me and he took all the liberty to share his opinion of a fanny pack, which clearly wasn't favorable. Irrespective, I was determined to bring one home and it happened. 
Call it a Fanny Pack or the belt bag, this trend has become a rage. This pouch on a belt accessory has become a must have amongst the fashionistas. And why not- it is convenient and keeps you hands-free. It is so easy to style, just wrap it over any outfit or wear it cross-body, styling options are endless. 

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While the world might have gone berserk with this trend, I wasn't and will never be ready to jump on the fanny-pack bandwagon. I still prefer my side slings over these waist pouches. I agree that these fanny-packs are convenient, but for a girl who likes to carry the whole house in her bag, this trend ain't gonna work. Picking out what to bring in that tiny bag would sure be harder than actually warming up to the trend. Well, I might not be a fanny-pack person but I'm not anti it. For the sake of trying it out, I bought this pink COACH fanny pack and I have to confess that " I am loving it " !!! 
I enjoyed walking around hands-free and I could totally get used to the ease of the trend. But still at the back of my mind I was regretting not having my clunky hair brush on me.  So now the big question is "to fanny pack" or "to-not-fanny pack"........?? In my case I'll go with the latter....what about you?? 
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