FanGirl Hostess~Currently Reading

By Fangirl_hostess @FanGirl_Hostess
I'm going to start using this blog as a reading log in addition to what it is. Why? This will allow me to post more often, get great books extra promo, and let you know what books will be getting reviewed soon! I'll also use this as a sort of "Stacking The Shelves" and post books I just got in.

Ready? 'Cause I am. :)


*The Collector by: Victoria Scott
Buy it on Amazon (I did, lol).

Thoughts so far: hmmm... well, for starters, it's freakin' amazing. And, let's face it, that IS a good start. :P

*Brilliance by: Marcus Sakey
 Pre-order it on Amazon
Thoughts so far: This is a really great story! I don't read much in the Adult genre (or Mystery), but this book makes me wonder why that is.

New on my shelves:
Buy on Amazon

Today I got a paperback copy of If He Had Been with Me by: Laura Nowlin for review from the publisher, Sourcebooks Fire. :) REALLY excited about this one, even though I know it's tragic and heart-breaking. What can I say? I'm a glutten for punishment. ;) I'll try to start this one this weekend.
* Angel's Ink by: Jocelynn Drake.
Get it FREE on Amazon! Thanks to Kim Harrison (author) for posting about it on her FaceBook page!
*Phoenix by: Melissa Starr
Get it FREE on Smashwords or Nook. Thanks to Melissa's FaceBook page I found out! :)

Thanks for visiting us! If you like to read and review books, don't forget to sign up as a tour host for FanGirl Book Tours! Details on our blog under the "FanGirl Book Tours" tab. Oh, and the service is FREE! Any interested authors? (::