Fanfarlo is preparing to release their third full-length and is sharing the first single as a free download. “Myth of Myself (A Ruse to Exploit Our Weaknesses)” finds
Fanfarlo waxing philosophical and then some. The band explains: “Myth of Myself’ is a rallying cry to (wo)man the barricades against the individual and all those who would have us believe this ruse. It is also the first song from our forthcoming third album, a record that in its own playfully serious / seriously playful way looks at human evolution and the weirdness of being this thing we call a person.” Damn…But seriously, listen to the new song while staring at the
band’s website background — instant existential crisis.
A little much for your brain so close to Friday? Lucky for us, the complexity is delivered in lush orchestral fashion complete with a cinematic flute solo and super silvery vocals. The whole concept is really beautiful. Download the new track for free below and ruminate on the go, and get ready for Fanfarlo’s new record details to be released soon!