Family – Things You Should Know

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum


In the context of human being, a family is a group of people who remain affiliated by co-residence, affinity, consanguinity and emotional bonds. Family is the principal institution, as it is found in most of the societies, where children are socialized. Anthropologists consider family organization as conjugal i.e. a husband, a wife and the children; a metrical, i.e. a mother and her child and,an extended family or clan, in which many other members with children and parents co-reside in one of parent’s family.

Another concept of family is any family that breaks the traditional concept within their own society, or sometimes the families may have migrated to flourish or even some of them may cease within their new societies.

Social Factors and Family

Family is the object of analysis, so far it is considered as a unit of socialization for the sociologists of the family. In the domain of sociology, genealogy focuses on tracing family lineages through history.

Family in the Context of Science

In science, “family” is a particular group of objects which are exclusively and closely related with each other.  In science as long as the objects are interrelated and closely connected they bring out some consequences. Take any stream of study like physics, chemistry, nuclear science, medical science and so on, the moment any interconnected objected are separated the result is different because they are not the previous family. The new constituents will again bring out new result. If they are again separated, they will alter the result. This means more the unity or combined effort of a synchronized situation, the entity of a family is realized. The scope of personal or broken relation gives rise to the distorted situation.

Animal World and Family

When we study about animals, we find many species form a group, which are similar to human “family” in many ways. They are called as ‘packs’. ‘Incest’ regulates the sexual relations among family members that are called “incest taboo”. In the animal world, except some few occasions and in some finicky species, the family is well maintained. That is why they protect themselves from their predators. Animals do not show much possessiveness as we the human beings are competent of. Of course “we” are the “social animals”, being governed by the some social norms.

Human World and ‘Personal’

Personal means pertaining to a person or individual. If we take some other angel of defining ‘personal” it means ‘private’.  “Personal” can also be meant as directed to or related to or intended for a particular person. We can even expand the meaning as “intended for use by a person”.

Interpersonal Relations and A Family

The more we go deeper to set up the relations between the words like  “personal”,  “interpersonal” and “family”, we are weaving different threads i.e. “personal” in the loom of “interpersonal” to produce a cloth in the term of a “family”. This means if the word “personal” is not weaved in the “interpersonal” loom we cannot expect the product i.e. “family”.

There are many occasions, when the word “personal” does not hold any position nor has any meaning in a “family”. But when the word “personal” is very much vivid or dominant, the word “family” ceases to be a family in the absence of  any “interpersonal” significance or to say ‘relation’.

Role of Interpersonal Communications

The article is mainly dealing with human affairs by using the terms like “personal”, “interpersonal” and “family”. In this subject communication has a big role. Faulty communications give birth to immeasurable problems. The problem becomes very staid when we talk about a home. As a matter of fact, one of the most important steps to carry on good family relationship is to improve family communications. Each family member must talk to each other as their daily happenings. There may be occasions when the family members are not physically present within the premise, but the communications between the members must be continued through all means. The most important in this matter is not “talking” but “listening” too.

Conflicts of Thoughts and Interests

Conflicts of thoughts and interests are the most natural phenomena.  Whatever may be the types of families, some types of conflicts are inevitable. Frustrations and differences concerning many issues (sexual problems or monetary management being the major ones) are very much transparent. Conflicts when ushered by compromise make the matter normal. If this does not happen, ill health, depression or broken relationships are evident.

Written by Sonia Meehan, on behalf of LA Banquets. If you’re looking for LA wedding venues, look no further!