Family Research Council Shooting Was a Hate Crime

Posted on the 18 August 2012 by Mikeb302000
via Crooks and Liars
Let's be clear: Yesterday's shooting of a security guard at the Family Research Council's offices in Washington, D.C., evidently motivated by the shooter's anger over the FRC's ongoing campaign against the LGBT community, was an atrocity that harmed the cause the shooter espoused. After all, the chief reason groups are called out as "hate groups" is that the rhetoric they purvey is so toxic that often it justifies and inspires acts of violence against vulnerable minorities. To respond to that with an equally insane act of violence is a betrayal.
Moreover, if the motives as reported so far are accurate, it was clearly an act of domestic terrorism, one of an increasingly small species of such acts: left-wing domestic terrorism. It may be helpful here to remember that since 2008, there have been more than fifty incidents of domestic terrorism committed by right wing-extremists and directed at "liberal" targets.
When our friend, Fat White Man made his sarcastic remark the other day, "why are liberals so violent," I guess it didn't occur to him that the ratio of hate crimes Right vs. Left is about 50 to 1.
The only thing more lopsided than that is the ratio of gun violence incidents to legitimate DGUs.  That's about 200 to 1.
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