Family Meetings…They Make All the Difference

By Monicairvine
Parents, I introduce you to the value in family meetings in raising ladies and gentlemen.  
Having a family meeting once per week can literally cut down on so much wasted time, help the family to be more united, give the family specific goals and create much needed family fun time. Let me explain.  

A family meeting should have an agenda and should be led by mom or dad to help everyone stay on track.  A family meeting is not a time for mom and dad to bark out orders, complain about everyone’s previous week’s mishaps, or become a laundry list of “to-do’s.”  Instead, it should be a time where each family member feels like their voice is heard, their opinions matter and they are an essential part of the family unit.  
Here are some possible ideas for your family meeting agenda:
Go over the schedule for the upcoming week including doctor appointments, ball games, special occasions, birthdays, and any events that the whole family needs to be aware of.  
This helps ensure everyone is on the same page, that rides are coordinated and special occasions do not get forgotten.
Family Fun Times Ideas
Every family should have “fun time” put on their schedule every single week.  
Just like us adults usually have things each week that we are looking forward to, our children need this too.
Family fun does not have to cost money.  It can be a movie at home, playground time, library time, hide-n-go-seek in the dark time…it just needs to be on the schedule, so that everyone can look forward to it and mom and dad don’t forget about it.
Family meetings really help accomplish projects because it helps everyone prepare physically and emotionally for them.  
If everyone knows that they are going to clean out the garage on Saturday, mom and dad can make sure they have all the needed supplies and the kids can “gear up” emotionally for the fun.
One-on-One Time 
Children feel so important when they see their names on the calendar for special time with mom and dad.
Parents, we are trying to raise engaging, responsible, productive and capable children.  Help them to learn these skills by involving them in running the family.  

A family meeting is a great way to teach our children organizational skills that will benefit them for years to come both personally and professionally.

Have a great week.
Monica Irvine