Family Gets Dog Back After She Spent 44 Days Lost in the Mountains

By David13676 @dogspired

Family gets dog back after she spent 44 days lost in the mountainsLOVELAND, Colo. — A little dog in Loveland has quite the story to tell. Mocha was missing up in the mountains for 44 days and this weekend her owner got the call she never thought she would.

Back in mid-October, Mocha’s owner, Trudy Hunter, took her two dogs up to her parents’ house in Granby.

“I had made a little portable dog run for them, first time I had ever used it,” she said.

Hunter put the dogs in, and 15 minutes later they were gone. One of the dogs, Chloe, was caught. But Mocha took off.

“For three days I walked, I four-wheeled, I drove around, I spread the word,” Hunter said.

Unfortunately, she had to come home to Loveland without a big part of her family.

“I thought about her being cold, without food and water, dodging the predators, or maybe the predators had gotten her,” she said.

Then Sunday, Trudy Hunter got the call she never thought she’d get.

“We have your dog, Mocha, sitting on our porch right now. We just found your number on her collar,” went the voicemail.

Hunter headed straight to Tabernash to pick her up.

“She was curled up in a little ball. And I call her Mocha Joe, so I called, ‘Mocha Joe!’ and she lifted her head up.”

Mocha has hunted rodents in the backyard so those skills may have helped her survive. She’s lost about half her body weight and has an abscessed tooth, but the veterinarian believes she’ll be just fine. Trudy Hunter’s family is finally back together.

“It’s a miracle. It’s the best Christmas gift I could ever have,” she said.

It’s too bad we may never know how Mocha stayed alive.

“Talk about a fabulous story, if she could talk.”

Hunter did offer up a $100 reward to the man who found Mocha, but he refused it, saying he was just happy to see them reunited.

~ Courtesy of Fox 31 Denver

Tags: dog survives mountains, lost dog, reunion