CBS Atlanta: A Loganville family found a puppy, about five weeks old, inside of a trash bag on the side of Highway 42 on Saturday. Becky Albright said her son found the puppy near Stockbridge.
“He saw just a black garbage back, which irritated him in the first place, but when he looked again, the bag was moving down the side of the road. So he pulled over,” Albright said. “Of course, his first thought was, ‘If I open this bag, a possum’s going to jump up at me.’”
The family ended up naming that puppy Possum.
“She was just covered in, he didn’t know what, but it turned out to be kitchen garbage, coffee grounds and stuff,” Albright said.
Albright has spent the past week nursing Possum back to health, by keeping her hydrated and de-worming her. Albright said she was “full of worms.”
“She was so dehydrated, literally, that you could pull her skin up, and it would just stand there,” Albright said.
Possum has since gained weight and energy, and Albright has decided to keep her and not report the incident to police. “They’re never going to be able to find anything, you can’t expect it, they have a lot more on their hands,” Albright said.
Taking care of Possum has cost Albright hundreds, she’s paid for vet visits, testing, medication and shots. But Albright said she doesn’t want donations from the public to help. Instead, she only wants to put out a message.
“Donate to your local shelter, donate to your local rescue, don’t buy a puppy, go and rescue a dog,” Albright said. “Remind people that animals don’t deserve to be treated like that, animals don’t treat people like that. And there’s always another option.”
Luvs a happy ending!