Falling Back In Love....!

By Sarahohm @sarahohm
Hey loveys,
I can not express to you enough how excited I am now that summer is upon us here in Toronto. We put up with so. much. cold this winter (ie Polar Vortex) that this summer is going to be MUCH deserved. When spring arrived, it was more of a wet and gray spring as opposed to a sunny one with blossoming flowers. I mean, rain is fine, and necessary (I guess) but it kind of sucks in general. This last week or so has been the best weather we've seen probably in like 8 months and I totally took advantage of it.
We all know that summer means, for most of us, going out and socializing more than normal which means consuming a few more calories than we normally would. This is all true for me... however the part I'm going to discuss today is the fact that since it's been so nice outside, I think I've kind of, you know, fallen back in love with outdoor running.
For a while I was pretty over running. I wasn't doing any cardio, I was just lifting weights and I think that's totally fine to do because it was winter and weight training is always a good thing, but when it's summer time, I'm sorry but I do not want to be cooped up in a gym while I watch all the awesome people outside soaking up the sun. You can bet your behind that I will be out there with everyone else in one form or another. Getting back into the running groove has been very good so far! Last week I got outside to run on Thursday and again on Sunday. I snapped some photos while en route so I could secretly sneak in a break for my blog.

This was my run on Thursday - woohoo 6k!

This was my Sunday run - woohoo 7k!! The route didn't show up on my screen shot. Boo.

This is near the half-way point of my 7k run. Hello Etobicoke! :)

This is the water where all the boats are... I want a boat, so jealous.

Who says Toronto doesn't have any grass or trees? WRONG. This is along the trails I run on, right downtown!

Obviously I needed to take a selfie.....

I'm super lucky to live right along the water so I can just hop outside and go running along the lake on the trails that are made. There were A TON of people out either running, biking, walking or rollerblading. I had to dodge a few people and almost got run over by a cyclist, but whatever... I got a little color on my pale skin so it was worth it (except my face. I wore sunscreen..). I remember when I was running last year I decided that I just wanted to run at my own pace and not try and compare myself to others. I've been doing that now as well. I find when I run at what I'm comfortable with, I'm less sore, I have less injuries and most importantly I just enjoy the experience waaaaaay more.
Other than that - I have been drinking on patios and celebrating nothing in particular. Haha. Surprise, surprise.
Have you been getting outside more now that the weather is nicer?? I can't wait to get out for a run again! Maybe tomorrow if it's nice out! :)