Fall Trend: Beetle Jewelry

By Raymondleejewelers @raymondleejwlrs

Beetles are not the famous rock group that took the nation by storm; it is real “insect” jewelry. You don’t have to reach for the bug, but you may won’t to reach for a piece of stylish jewelry, which happens to be the latest fashion.

Everyone is buzzing about the “Beetle” jewelry that is taking the fashion industry by “Swarm.” The latest accessories are bumble bee studded necklaces in choker design.

For a double be-licious treat add this ring to your buzzing collection. You can expect to pay more than $400 for this sweet honey. If you really want to hear “Sweet little nothings” whispered in your ear put on a pair of these “Buddy Bee Post” Earrings. They are just too cute to pass up.

If this isn’t enough sugar for you; try this gorgeous SOS necklace on for size. It has a beetle on each side, as though they are protecting their domain. Now that’s a sight for buzz…y eyes.

This bracelet is a really sweet gem. It’s a beautiful Daniela Villegas Bracelet worth a cool $6,000. It is featured with a Black Opal and layered in a Sagra Buqueti Scarab. People say that green is the color of envy and jealously.Put it to the test. Wear this dazzling piece around your friends and see if it comes up missing. Beetle jewelry is well worth the investment. Wear it daily, weekly, monthly or just on special occasions.

This Crystal design Beetle necklace is definitely worth buzzing home about. It’s colorful, unique and beautifully crafted with all the right colors. It is a real Mango Classic that sells for around $100. Beetles are definitely high on the food jewelry chain.

If anyone wants to know what’s the buzz is all about, tell them to “bee” still and listen. Don’t bee left out in the cold, get your buzz on.