Fall Head Over Nails For Autumn-Inspired Nail Polish!

By Beautyblogger @crowscupcell

{by} Sasha

One of my favorite things about the fall season is the surplus of warm, earthy colors. Autumn makes me think of golds, ambers, auburns, mossy greens, and rich browns. When it comes to hair, makeup, and nail color, we say goodbye to the bright summer colors and welcome warmer, deeper hues.

Which is why I’ve fallen head over nails for OPI’s Touring America Collection. This 12-color line incorporates rich autumn shades and variations of the still-ultra-popular gray and taupe shades. Here are a few colors that will get your nails fall-ready:

Get In The Expresso Lane (a dark, earthy brown)

Uh Oh Roll Down the Window (a deep, mossy green)

A Taupe The Space Needle (a unique taupe with olive undertones)

Are We There Yet (a perfect melon shade for fall)

And besides color inspiration for the fall season, you’ll be getting some culture, to boot. This line was inspired by America’s most loved cities including Seattle, New York, New Orleans, Hollywood, and Baltimore. Think of each polish as a “trip in a bottle.” And at around 8 bucks a bottle, that’s a pretty cheap road trip.

So, buckle up for this season’s hottest nail colors. At least one of these coast-to-coast classics is guaranteed to appeal to your autumn whimsy…

Editor’s OPI Touring America Collection Picks:

Get In The Expresso Lane                                                                Uh Oh Roll Down The Window