Fall Break Is In Effect

By Robert Bruce @robertbruce76

Hey friends. I’m taking a little fall vacation for the next few days.

101 Books will return with new posts on Tuesday.

Until then, enjoy some of the “greatest hits” from the past:

7 Annoying Words That Should Die a Horrible Death: Now the most viewed post on my blog.

Is This The Creepiest Ending Ever? A lot of people pretty much hate my take on the Grapes of Wrath ending.

My 2 year old judges books by their covers. This one is my personal favorite, probably because I had very little to do with it.

10 Cheesy Literary Pickup Lines That Will Get You Slapped: If you try these out, I take no responsibility.

Book #2: To Kill A Mockingbird. My most read review.

What Hemingway Can Teach You about Web Writing. This one got freshly pressed. Just some basic tips for web writing.

Reading Tips from a One Year Old. I’m noticing a trend here.

101 Books Guide To Carrying an Embarrassing Book in Public. An old one before the site got that popular, but still one of my favorites.

9 Book Recommendations for People You Hate. The worst of the worst.

Is a Creative Writing MFA Worth the Cost? Here’s my opinion.

Dear Morning People, I Disagree. This one’s for the night owls.

7 Myths About Being a Writer. No cabin in the woods needed.

The Bookish Pet Peeves Series. My growing risk of bookish pet peeves, all in one place.