Fala and FDR

By Hundidocom @hundidopuppy
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This is a story about Fala and his rather popular “master,” the 32nd president of the United States of America, President Franklin Roosevelt.

(As told by The Bark Post)

In 1940, President Franklin Roosevelt received an early Christmas president of a Scottish Terrier puppy. The President named him after his own Scottish ancestor, John Murray, aka ‘Murray the Outlaw of Falahill’.

Fala and FDR

Fala, as he was nicknamed, was so cute that White House staff couldn’t resist giving him treats. After getting sick from overeating, Fala was on a strict diet of one bone a day. And the president personally fed him dinner every night.

Strict Diet

Dinner with the President

Fala Becomes President

In 1940 Bundles for Britain was created to collect donated supplies for the UK. A dog chapter called Barkers for Britain started as a way for dog lovers to support the effort. For a 50 cent donation new members got an official Bundles for Britain collar tag. Fala Tag #1 The program successfully raised thousands of dollars and the Bundles for Britain President personally thanked Fala for raising “his voice in loud barks for the courageous people of Great Britain.”

America Enters the War

When America entered the war, Fala did his duty and became an honorary Army private. And on important visits Fala was always well behaved (except once on the USS Tuscaloosa, when he found a line of sunbathing sailors and ran up and down licking and tickling their feet). Fala often traveled with Roosevelt and even went to the 1941 Atlantic Charter Conference in Quebec. He entertained dignitaries such as UK Prime Minister Churchill and Canadian PM King with his tricks, including curling his lip into a smile. Picture taking with Fala

The press loved Fala. And Fala loved the press right back.

Fala with the press

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