Trash: You summed it up. Young unemployed unkempt young men rioting over obscure British journalists in a minor venue of a “Berserkley”-a college famous for its radicalism anyhow.
Most have grown up in the suburbs their Jewish or WASP parents worked hard to pay for in order to shield them from NAM’s, poor rural white trash, urban squalor or anything rougher than a scraped knee at a soccer game or a slap from their father.
They have never served in the military, spent time in jail, been mugged or even boxed or wrestled in high school.
To the financial-industrial complex they are trivial and unimportant. Some of their parents are even low-rung cogs in that machine itself who have been dedicated slaves to the system and its owner.
Sad to say but they are not taken very seriously.
Some of the protesters are children of lawyers or other cogs in the liberal elite machine.
Others are children of cogs in the financial-industrial complex.
Chaotic amateur violence among blacks is a more serious civil matter. But these folks have never fired a gun in their life, or changed a tire, or oil for a car, or served in the military or done anything but hang around student unions drinking refills of coffee.
As revolutionaries they are amateur-no IRA provisional soldier has taught them the finer points of guerrilla warfare in a Middle Eastern training camp.
1. The rioters were Berkeley students and even professors. Not true.
Students who were at the protests said that the students were protesting peacefully when they were invaded by 150 antifa Black Bloc types. These guys then took the whole demonstration in a whole new direction. He said they were a lot older than students, average age in the late 20’s. People said that no one had ever seen these people before. Some thought they came from outside of Berkeley, possibly from Oakland. There is a large anarchist presence in Oakland that riots fairly regularly.
There was also an argument that Berkeley students are very privileged and would not want to have a serious arrest on their record.
2. The demonstrations/riots were sponsored by George Soros. Not true. Soros simply gives money to some of the liberal organizations that have been organizing demonstrations, such as those at the women’s marches. Soros does not issue any marching orders telling these organizations to stage demonstrations or any of that sort. These decisions are internal to these groups and I doubt if they would need to be convinced to demonstrate under Trump anyway. Of course there is no evidence that Soros is behind the antifa Black Bloc rioters.
3. The demonstrators/rioters are being paid by George Soros. Not true. There is no evidence that Soros has ever given one of these anti-Trump protesters one nickel for going to a demo and he certainly does not pay the rioters to riot.
4. The rioters are liberals. Not true. The demonstrators are a combination of liberals and Leftists. The overwhelming majority of them seem to be engaging in peaceful protest. The rioters are all Leftists. Specifically, they are Far Left antifa Black Bloc anarchists.
5. The rioters are all Communists. Not true. So far there is no evidence whatsoever that any Communists are participating in the riots. ‘Til now it has all been an anarchist faction. I am not even aware of a large Communist presence at the demonstrations. If someone can show me evidence of a large Communist role in the demonstrations, I would like to see it.
6. The “Alt Left” is demonstrating and even rioting. Not true. Nope, the Alt Left has no presence whatsoever in the riots and I am not even aware if any of us are participating in the demos. A lot of us support the demos and a few of us even support the riots, but the Alt Left has not participated in these events in any way so far.
7. SJW’s and the “Alt Left” are the same thing. Not true. This is a lie that crazy Trump supporters made up. We bashed them for their White Supremacist Alt Right movement which is so prominent among Trump supporters, so in order to deflect from that, they made up a lie that the Left, liberals/Democrats/Hillary voters along with Bernie supporters, SJW’s and the Far Left, are all part of something called the “Alt Left.” Problem is, they’re not. They do not identify as Alt Left.
You cannot put people into some artificial made-up category that they themselves reject unless you have some evidence that it applies to them. The only people that are Alt Left are a small group of rather socially conservative Leftists and liberals who support leftwing economics while opposing the Cultural Left. So calling the Cultural Left “Alt Left” is not only untrue; it is in fact a slander. Not only is the Cultural Left not Alt Left, but the Cultural Left is the perfect example of everything the Alt Left is opposed to.