Fake News

By Probestpest @ProBestPest

Fake News

Boy oh boy, nobody can win these days especially with all that FAKE NEWS out there. So I wanted to clear the air about pest control or termite control.


Let’s start with Pest Control. Do you know what my biggest liability is, its not the pesticide its driving to the appointment. Everyone is complaining about the low wages, so what did we do? We raised the minimum wage to $10.50 – Let’s think about this for a minute – that means that the business must make more than that per hour to make money. The business must also take into account all those things that they must pay for (insurance, workman’s comp, vehicle if needed and then auto insurance, chemical, additional employees like schedulers etc and according to a NPMA survey that is about 32.8%) I recently saw a poster on a pole out in Surprise for pest control for $25 – NOBODY MAKES MONEY ON THIS!

How long do you think a person can spend at this account? How long will they be in business. Are they even using chemical/pesticide? Are they insured, (liability, workman’s comp and auto insurance) probably not? If you hire an unlicensed person and they mess up, who will pay for their mistake?


Termite control – I recently saw an advertisement for $275 – I also remember an article from Florida that suggested termite treatments should be the range of $1000 to $1500 based on the cost in 1930 something. What do you really get for $275?

Termidor HE Label – “Structural termite protection is achieved by establishing a continuous treated zone along the exterior foundation of the structure.” When I read this and interpret it, to me it says there must be a complete barrier around the structure. So either the garage must be drilled or across the garage door must be drilled  and what about patio’s?  In my book either the patio is drilled or the outside of the patio is trenched. Now to achieve the label how can you sell it for $275? YOU CAN’T! Again you get what you pay for….

So why is this FAKE NEWS – because I don’t think you are getting the right deal for what you pay. Someone isn’t giving you the right pesticide, all the pesticide you are supposed to get and all the areas the label requires. Now I used the Termidor HE label, but check out the offer and see what they are supposed to give you and then compare the options.

Trivia fact – Termites have been reclassified into the same order as cockroaches, they are more closely to roaches than ants. Did you know that?