Fake but Non-committal

By Alternativeeden @markngaz

Better late than never! Although we deliberated whether to go for a real or fake tree this year we almost never bothered to put one up at all. We were both so tired by the weekend (ironically caused by the festive season) and still had to do a bit more shopping that at one point we resolved not to bother. But that all changed by Sunday afternoon and we had to dash out to look for a tree.

As you can imagine options were a bit sparse for real trees at such a last minute. But the good news was some of the shops have started to clear out their Christmas decorations for sale, offering massive discounts as they start tidying away stocks which includes fake trees. So we got a really good deal on a good fake tree that normally sells a lot more than what we paid for today.

Saying that I was also astonished at the seeming pessimism of some retailers, happy to hype and set up Christmas decorations early and yet a few days to the actual day almost in a rush to just get over it and remove as many traces of it as possible. Hmmmm...

Never mind, at least we got a tree, yay! And we're so pleased we made the effort. To be honest we would have regretted it anyway if we didn't.

It's a nice looking fake tree and we're pleased with the results. If we caught the Christmas mood earlier then we probably would have gone for a different theme and scheme altogether. But the tried and tested red and gold motif of our existing decor will do for now and they still look good.

We'll miss the fresh scent of a real tree but even if we bought a fake one which in theory will be re-used every Christmas it is still non-committal. With a bit more preparation we can go real again and the fake one can stay in the box. At least we don't have to worry about chopping away a real tree post festive season to take to the skip.

Or maybe not, who knows!

Mark :-)