Faith Seeking Understanding Conference

By Sjbedard @sjbedard

Faith Seeking Understanding is a conference about Christian Apologetics held at First Baptist Church, Fort Erie on Nov. 16-18, 2012. The speaker David Haines was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. He holds a BTh. from Covington Theological Seminary and an M. A. in Philosophy from Southern Evangelical Seminary. He is currently pursuing a PhD. in Philosophy at University Laval. David is also the director of Ratio Christi Canada. Ratio Christi (a Student Apologetics Alliance) seeks to encourage and strengthen the faith of Christian students at secular and liberal institutions across the country, while also sharing Christ’s message and love to those that have yet to receive it, through the use of intellectual investigation and apologetics.

The Conference will include 5 lectures, over a three day period. The schedule is as follows:

Friday (19h00-20h30) Worldviews: What are they and Why are they

Saturday (10h00-11h30) Can We Trust the Bible?

(13h00-14h30) Is Jesus God?

(15h00-16h00) Panel Discussion

(19h00 – 20h30) God and the Problem of Evil

Sunday (morning service) Practical Apologetics: Defending your Faith
in Real Life

Admission is free.