Faith Hope & Charity Swapping 2012 - Jubilee Special! Sign up Now

By Lakota @FHCShopping
Greetings subjects! 
It's that time of year again, where I dust off my spreadsheet and send you all off foraging for guilt free treats at charity shops, car boot sales, swap meets and other places you thrifty commoners love. Yes, it's the first 2012 Faith Hope and Charity Swap - and this Summer I thought it would be fun to do a Jubilee theme. Don't worry if you're not a fan of Queenie and her chinless descendants, the theme can be interpreted as loosely as you like. Think red, white and blue, diamonds (or their costume jewelry cousins), crowns, Britannia...

Whether you were here for the inaugural swap or this will be your first, I'd love you to get involved. Just sign up in the comments. I will keep sign up open for month, so please display the badge in your sidebar with a link to this page so others can find out and join in - I want as many people to get the chance to join in as possible, but to do this I need to match people in the same part of the world. 
Those of you who've taken part before will know the drill - but if you need a reminder or haven't played until now, here's a quick run-down of the rules, with the newly added jubilee twist.
* You need a blog to join in, and you must have updated in the last month - sorry, but this makes it a little easier for your swap partner, and hopefully ensures you're serious about taking part. If you have had problems in a previous swap, please let me know (privately)* As usual, you need to send your swap partner a minimum of three items, maximum of five.* At least one item should be thrifted/second hand - if everything is, great! * At least one item should be handmade - whether made by your own fair hands or bought from Etsy/local craft fair etc.* This time - at least one item must fit the jubilee theme somehow. If your swap partner is a rampant republican/anarchist, that's fine - you can twist the theme to fit!* No minimum spend, maximum £12.00, or the equivalent in your local currency. (this doesn't include postage, so remember you'll have to post your parcel too)
Sign up below - I'll keep it open until May 10th and then get on with assigning partners. I'll try to ensure that everyone gets to take part, but it does depend on whether I can find a local partner. If you're willing to post internationally, please let me know.
Lakota x