
By Authorsbelle @AuthorSBelle
I have failed.  I'm a failure.  Never before have I been able to say the word failure and have it pertain to me, until now.  Now I am part of a growing statistic, for I will be divorced before I reach my twenty sixth-birthday.  
It is difficult for me to have failed so miserably at something so important.  When I set a goal, no matter how big or small, I reach it.   I am a woman of morals, a woman of promise, a woman of integrity.  I remain open and honest regardless of the topic, and always seek fact over gossip.  I believe in loyalty to one's family, and the importance of family above all else.  I believe in marriage, in monogamy, in having a partner for life.  I believe in vows.  Why then am I getting divorced?  
The answer is obvious, yet complex.    That's why I have decided to start this blog and share my experience.  I am not going to analyze every detail, but I will provide some history for discussion's sake.  Instead, I am going to focus on the emotions associated with divorce and the new found fear of the unknown.  

Join me as I take a serious look at love, sex, marriage, and divorce.   With any luck, I'll help a few people along the way.