mr and mrs sanday
beautiful sunday with the sanday family. They were a young and solid pair, but the geometry of their feelings are changed a lot during the years.
I have been starting to rethink my concept with glitch art, and how i would continue to develop my works. I have been starting to create pseudo narratives, based on old photos (most of them are unknown family photos), adding my different digital glitch processes. The basic idea is how to recode (decode) the meaning of the memory and how it can work together with my generated failure and pseudo narrativity.
story of mr.wolf
one day mr wolf wrote down too much numbers. when his memory was decoded the same numbers somehow modified his fragments.The question is how our memory works, when we see a picture (photo) we are able to remember to the details, but only for short period. In long term we start to loose parts of the details and instead of these lost fragments we fill the gaps with our self generated memories, memory fragments.
Do All Dogs Go to Heaven? Will Our Pets Be With Us in Heaven?This kind of digital images are not connected directly with the glitch art, or lets say the glitch (image error, artifact, failure) not on the focus. In this case i would consider this process as a “non orthodox” glitch process. Iam still using my own code and methods, but meantime i need to use an image editor to isolate the foregrounds and the backgrounds. If i see from this point i can get more options to play with the composition.
mr. czettel found his skin full with his own memory fragments. But his moustache is still clean. Thanks g.d.But right now iam just improving my existing codes to be able to achieve more specific result with the compositions and iam searching for the optimal inputs (photos). If you have any family photos which you would like to see as a failed memory of mine, please dont hesitate to send me here: pixelnoizz at the full collection is here.
cu-cu sisters are sharing everything.