If it was easy to row the Atlantic everybody would do it. This past 2 weeks were particularly hard on Bertie and James.
On December 29 their last oar broke and they have been drifting in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean ever since. They are spending most of their time in the hot and airless cabin with the door shut and there is a reason why the door must be shut at all times. On January 2 Patience was hit by a huge wave that caused the boat to roll over once, Bertie and James were inside the cabin when it happened and they remained unharmed. The wave did damage their tracking beacon however so their position can’t signaled through. The support vessel Aurora is on its way to supply substitute oars and a new beacon and should reach them today or tomorrow, if all goes well. has reached them and supplied them with new oars. They are on their way again!
Patience is a virtue, but they are still in high spirits and still in the race. From the 17 boats 6 have already retired from the race.
Bertie did a radio interview yesterday for Kent BBC, he sums up nicely all the setbacks they’ve had to endure. Listen to it here.
The good news is that a total of £350,000 ($540,000) has been raised. We are thrilled to announce that the combined efforts of AllStephenMoyer.com, TrueBlood-Online.com and SimplyMoyer.com have raised $20,000 so far!
A wonderful video shot by James’ uncle about the start of the race back in December.
And the second start four days later.
Please note: add the code TB4FTA (True Blood for Facing The Atlantic) to the note of your donation so we can keep track of how much was donated by True Blood / Stephen Moyer fans.