FACING THE ATLANTIC 63 Days 16 Hours 8 Minutes

By Thevault @The_Vault

It took Bertie and James 63 Days 16 Hours 8 Minutes to cross the Atlantic Ocean from La Gomera to Barbados. They suffered every set back imaginable from broken oars to capsizing, but they made it. Raising over £365,000 ($579,000) for Facing The World.

CONGRATULATIONS !!! You are true heroes.

The latest update of what Stephen Moyer’s fans have raised is $21,000. Thank you all for your generosity!

Stephen really wanted to be in Barbados to welcome his friends but unfortunately his work schedule did not permit it.

Watch in the video how they arrived in Barbados and their first reactions to the enormous challenge they have completed.

More photos on http://www.taliskerwhiskyatlanticchallenge.com/team/facing-the-atlantic and on Facebook.